You’re good at your line of work and have finally earned a reputation for being one of the best. The phone is ringing, your company is growing and operating at a profit, but cash flow gets tighter each month and you’re turning down good projects because you know you could get over your head with your suppliers and maybe miss payroll. The economy finally looks brighter and there will be a lot more opportunity in the coming year, but how can you get past the contractor conundrum to grow and have the cash flow to pay suppliers and employees?


With our Contractor Funding Solution, we advance you funds as you submit your pay application/invoice to your General Contractor or job owner and we are the ones who wait to be paid. Our advance funding provides the necessary cash flow to pay labor costs, suppliers, taxes and any other working capital needs. With a reliable and well-capitalized financial resource funding your pay applications through your projects, the accounts receivable once held hostage for extended time periods can be released to you in advance to help accelerate the growth of your company. As an added benefit, we can provide a letter of assurance to your GC that proves your financial ability to manage and complete your job without cash flow challenges.


Our program is tailored for contractors seeking transition financing. This includes both new and mature companies looking to fund growth or companies that are experiencing other challenges as well. The contractors we typically finance experience the following:

  • Subcontractor bidding jobs with General Contractor
  • Monthly Progress Billing
  • Funding Needs of $100,000 to $5,000,000
  • Near Term Projects

Are you ready to discuss a credit facility to fund your pay applications as you turn them in rather than waiting weeks to be paid by your General Contractor? Call Beacon Business Capital at 713-828-9085 and learn more about our program for financing commercial subcontractors nationwide.